psalm 23: Though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff-they will comfort me.
My husband has cancer and may be terminally ill. It is the shadow over my life.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Growing up, "they" said...

     I didn't like sports....because my brother did

     I studied piano....because my friends did

     I read a lot.....because my dad did

Then I got married, and "they" said..

    I got the furniture....because my husband liked it

    I learned to ski....because my husband wanted to

    I went on cruises... because my husband decided to

After my husband's gone, what do I want to do?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Stuff that needs to be changed


Too vague I guess.

I want new furniture ....
We have some nice stuff, but it's too big for the room so it looks (and is) too crowded and overpowering. I'm not big into having lots of big parties etc so do I really need/want a dining table big enough for 12 in a room that realistically can only hold a table for 6? Do I need both a large china cabinet and a large entertainment center with display cabinets attached? Do I even want a entertainment center in the living/dining room? 

Some of our stuff just needs to be replaced because it's in bad shape. But it can't go out the front door because the staircase is too narrow (I think - the old railing wasn't there when we moved in the furniture so it didn't matter. We put up the new railing after the furniture came in.) It can't go out the back door because I really don't think the deck stairway is sturdy enough to support the weight of the furniture plus a couple of guys doing the moving.

I want to get the paperwork in order...
Dump the stuff that really can be dumped.
Sort out the bank statements and other financial stuff by year and store it someplace I can find again.

I want to put up siding or re-paint the house....
Siding. I don't want to have to repaint again. I wonder if that will get rid of bugs. (not termites, I don't think.)

I want to re-landscape...
New lawn or some ground cover.
Perenials maybe, or flowering bushes or something that will add color.
Something with color brighter than a dull green between late fall and early spring.
A bench or some other kind of sitting area
Some kind of privacy screen, the house is on a street corner and the yard is open to the street from both corners. Not the entire yard, but enough to not look like I'm sitting in the yard to watch the neighbors.

I want to decorate downstairs....
Live upstairs in the winter and downstairs in the summer. It'll save on the airconditioning costs big time

I want to find a property management company....
I can't do the maintenance really. And if I (or we) move to a condo, we'd have to pay a mortgage and maintenance fees. The house has no mortgage, it'll just be the maintenance fees.

I want to have a home that's a refuge from the outside

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Weekends are hard

I really hate weekends. During the week, I'm at work, so that's 9 or 10 hours where I don't have to be around my husband. We talk during the day and he's SO crabby when I wake him up. Well, how am I supposed to know he's asleep? So I don't call, then he gets upset when HE has to call ME because he thinks that means I forgot about him.
By the time I get home, he's waking up and ready to rock&roll :) But that means "it's too early!" when I want to go sleep at 10 or 11pm. He wants me to wait until he's finished with his meds for the night. Which he doesn't take until midnight or 1am. And yes, the alarm goes off at 6.30am. And no, that's no nearly enough sleep for me.

Weekends have no away-time unless I run errands, but there's only so many errands I can go out for. So I listen to him all weekend constantly talk about being in pain (but not enough to take pain meds) or be his "get-me" girl (get me some water, get me the hours of the store, get me, get me, get me, get me...) A thank you or a please once in a while would be nice. But no, I hear "get me----" and "what took so long?"

A week or 2 ago, he was saying he's going to make back home with his parents (2 hrs away, driving) because "they can take care of him better than I can." As much I hate the idea of moving in with his parents (he's not planning to go alone), weekends like this, well, they can have him back. Just him, I'll stay here thankyouverymuch. Let's see how long they deal with his attitude.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Stuff that scares me

- Getting sick with something that needs to be taken care of on a schedule - like diabetes or just a 4 times/day antibiotic or something. Doing things on my schedule means it's not dh's schedule and I don't want to deal with his attitude about being inconvenienced because I can't do xyz at 7pm because I have to take care of whatever for myself. Even if it means just a 5 minute wait for him, it's still there.

- Having to take medical tests where I can't drive afterward, or be left alone for 24 hrs afterwards because of the conscious sedation drugs - How do I get home if dh can't drive? Who do I stay with, or who stays with me, after he's gone?

- Bugs in the house - dh gets rid of them now, but later? I'll need a good exterminator...

- Dealing with all of dh's saved up pack-rat stuff, we don't need a million boxes or a shed or whatever to store this stuff. We need to THROW IT OUT. What's left, what's worth keeping, we'll have enough space to store (might need a few shelves or something, but the space is here)

- Living alone. I've never done that.

- Planning a vacation, not the planning so much as the traveling to/from whereever.

- Somedays I'm looking forward to being alone.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday afternoon

He thinks/acts like the only thing I should be doing is being available for him for everything. He wants to know some obscure detail about something, I should drop whatever I'm doing and go on an internet search. And keep searching for more info when he has more questions because I don't know. Or if he's ready to eat, then I have to stop whatever and make him something to eat NOW. He doesn't cook for himself, all he'll make for himself is toast & cheese.

Because he has cancer and I'm supposed to take care of him.

I wonder what it'll be like in a year or 2 or 3 when I'm alone. Will I enjoy the ability to do what I want for how long I want without interruptions. Will I be full of "yes, he was annoying, but at least I wasn't alone, poor me!"

Friday, November 12, 2010

walking in the shadow

My husband was diagnosed with a rare cancer 5 years ago late December. Depending how well he responded/s to chemo, it could be controllable... a chronic disease like diabetes or some other long term disease. Without too many breaks, he's been on one chemo or another ever since.

Last week, while doing his 3rd blood transfusion in 2 weeks, he asked about hospice. The oncologist said if my husband decided to stop treatment, he'd be in hospice (or end-of-life care) within six months.

That's the shadow... it's there, but not really. He started a new chemo regimen last week.