psalm 23: Though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff-they will comfort me.
My husband has cancer and may be terminally ill. It is the shadow over my life.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Thinking Ahead

Hubs got good news at his followup appointment yesterday, and I can tell he's been feeling better too. And he's gained almost 2 lbs this week. The last month or so hasn't been good before this. His weight kept dropping to about 130, and for someone who's 5'7" that's not nearly enough. His red blood count kept dropping while his blood sugar was slowly stabilizing again. Things finally stabilized enough to go back on the chemo, and after a week, his blood sugar stayed normal and his red blood count went up a lot after the last transfusion. He got another transfusion yesterday as a 'booster' to get him even closer to a normal count. And another good news is that we got one free night at a 5-star hotel in town for this weekend. The only 'problem' is that a major snow storm is due that night too so getting home might be tricky.

We went to Friday night Shabbat dinner at our temple a couple weeks ago and one couple we've known there for a while offered to go out with us shopping or whatever. He'd keep Hubs company while she & I would have  "girls only time" which she freely admits is for me, not for her. It's a great idea, although I have no idea if we'll do it or not.

Hubs and the Rabbi talked and whatever he said (I wasn't there for the conversation) made Hubs feel better/supported/whatever. I mentioned to the Rabbi later that there's a good chance that 2-5 years down the road, Hubs will be gone. He told me that Hubs said 1-2 years, which didn't surprise me. He told me to 'think positively' and hope that they'll find more options, etc, blah blah. The chemo he's on is THE last one available right now, and there's nothing new in studies / research right now (and the oncologist is tops in the field so if something was there, he'd know about it.)

Maybe it's not 'positive' but I think I'm doing right by planning what to do after he's gone.

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