psalm 23: Though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff-they will comfort me.
My husband has cancer and may be terminally ill. It is the shadow over my life.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Three weeks

Three weeks ago Hubs was in palliative care at the hospital and just had his pain attack.

I've met with the lawyer twice already. My inlaws think I'm rushing too much to get to the lawyer. So far everything's been easy (legally speaking) to deal with. Everything was set up right to transfer from him to me. There's one account that the bank won't turn over, and the lawyer's not sure why. He's dealing with that one. It might just be a bank policy thing, because legally it turns over to me cleanly.

I've started to take him off bank accounts and utility bills. I transfered the car into my name.

I've been to the safe deposit box more times in the last 3 weeks than I have in the 15 years we've had the box. Hubs always got things in/out of the box when we needed to.

My dad spent 2 weeks fixing the little things that needed fixing around the house.

I don't know what to do about the ice hanging off the roof & gutters of the house.

The death certificate lists a similar, but not right, disease for the underlying cause of death. For five years Hubs has been telling people he doesn't have 'disease X' and to see that listed on the death certificate is just WRONG.

I changed the refrigerator Hubs ordered to one that will fit better in the space we have.

The 'public' rooms are clean & presentable for company. Now I just need to bring some 'yes, there is activity in this room' into the rooms. Now they look like a 'look but don't touch' kind of rooms.

I've only yelled at one person that I can't do "X" right now because Hubs died 3 weeks ago.

And I still can't sleep after 4am without Hubs either in bed with me, or asleep in the recliner.

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